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Who is Family House?
We are a family of faith growing towards wholeness in Jesus Christ – heart, mind and strength. And helping others towards that same wholeness, impacting not only this generation but future generations.
- We are a FAMILY and family is forever.
- Our family sets GOD’S PRESENCE as our passion. We believe that the presence of God is attractional.
- Our family stands under the ultimate authority of SCRIPTURE. We dive deep into the Word of God to know who He is and what He says because we love Him and want to grow in relationship with Him.
- Our family moves in POWER. Through Holy Spirit’s power in us, uncontainable joy will fill Cedar Park. (Acts 1:8)
- Our family is motivated by HOPE. We believe tomorrow will be better than today!
- Our family will be known by how we LOVE – God and others. (John 13:35)
- Our family PRAYS – individually and together. Prayer is essential to knowing and moving the heart of God.
- Our family knows NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD. (Luke 1:37)
- Our family HEARS FROM THE LORD. He is still speaking and we follow His lead. (Matthew 4:4)
- Our family is HUMBLE. Nothing is below us because we never arrive.
- Our family takes OWNERSHIP. We take ownership over our growth and our gifts. We take ownership of our messes.
- Our family is MULTIGENERATIONAL. We see the benefits and power of generations walking together.
- Our family is RADICALLY GENEROUS. The stuff we have is not just for us.
- Our family aspires for EXCELLENCE because God deserves our best.
- Our family is a healthy, CREATIVE expression of a creative Father. Holy Spirit moves in and through the creative expression of members of the family. (1 Corinthians 12:4-11)
- Our family has our eyes fixed on ETERNITY.
- God exists Three in One. He is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- Jesus is the Son of God who came to set the record straight on who the Father is and to reconcile humanity back to a relationship with a loving Father.
- Holy Spirit is the power of God to live in Jesus Christ. He brings comfort, wisdom and peace to our daily lives. God speaks to us in real time through Holy Spirit living in us. Holy Spirit also seals and solidifies our eternal relationship with the Father.
- The Bible is the living Word of God. It is the final authority for our faith and its practice.
- We are made right with God through our relationship with His Son, Jesus. Jesus lived a perfect life, died and resurrected from the dead to give us eternal life with the Father.
- The Christian life is lived in a growing, intimate relationship with Jesus – reflecting His glory to the world around us. Jesus calls us into the world to bring the Kingdom Culture to the world we live in.
- The Christian life cannot be fully lived apart from The Church – God’s Family, Jesus’ Bride – created to disciple, care and encourage one another toward God’s Kingdom mission in the world.
- Every person will have an eternal home after this life is over. We will either worship God forever with Him in a REAL place called Heaven or be eternally separated from Him in a REAL place called Hell.
- Every person has a sin problem. Sin separates us from the presence of God apart from a sacrifice being made for that sin. Jesus is that eternal sacrifice for our sin.
- The person who believes Jesus is the Son of God and has placed their eternal hope in His ability to serve as that sacrifice makes their decision public by being baptized (immersed in water).
- Jesus will return to earth to make all things right and to take His Bride (The Church) to Heaven to be with Him forever.
Our Sunday worship gatherings are centered around the presence of God, our Father - to make a place for Him to dwell through our praise. In practical terms - we want to sing songs of praise that glorify God, Jesus and Holy Spirit so He feels comfortable to dwell with us. Our Sunday gatherings are FOR GOD, not for us - but in His kindness, He gives us gifts when we worship Him.
We highly value all the generations in worship. Babies, children, teens, parents and grandparents are all valued. We don’t see any of these groups in our main gathering as a distraction. We want to empower all generations to worship together. See below for gathering times.
God created us to live life together - to be relationally connected. We believe that the tensions of life - the joys and the pain - are best carried in community together. We do that in LifeGroups. Email Pastor Jason to find out more.